Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bath Time!
A visit with friends
A few weeks ago our friends, the Sugdens, were here from California and we got to meet them for lunch and to play at the park. Nicolas and Sam are best buddies and they have missed each other so much since we moved. Nicolas still expects to see Sam in nursery every Sunday and talks about going to play at his house all the time. When they got to the restaurant Nicolas ran and gave Sam a huge hug and kiss and was so excited to see him again!

Dates with my boys
Before Jackson was born I took Kaden and Nicolas on a date of their choice. I knew I would be busy with the baby and wanted to have some special time with each of them. Nicolas wanted to see Ice Age, then we went to California Pizza Kitchen, then we went to Build A Bear and he made his Firefighter Kitty Cat. Kaden and I went to see Gforce, then we had Cold Stone, went to Build A Bear and made his karate cat, then went to Brick Oven. I love my boys and I'm so grateful I got to spend that special time with them.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Jackson's Birth Story
On Thursday around 4 am I started having contractions every 15 min. and knew we would be having a baby soon. We thought we had 2 weeks left but our little guy had his own plans! Me, my mom, and my boys got up and headed out to do some shopping. I had a doctor appt. at 12 and when she checked me she said my water was ruptured and she was sending me straight to the hospital. I was really nervous and called Jorge to tell him, he didn't answer so I called the restaurant and the girl that answered said he was really busy and couldn't come to the phone. I started crying and said will you tell him his wife's water broke and she's going to the hospital to have the baby. She freaked out and ran to get him and he rushed to the hospital. Shortly after he got there my brother came and took the boys home and they started my iv and some pitocin to get me dialated. I waited a little too long to get my epidural and was dying by the time they came to put it in. I expected relief but it wasn't working so they put more medicine in it, it still wasn't working so he put a dose of morphine in it and things got scary. I started feeling more and more numb and it was moving up my entire body. I couldn't breathe very good and my head was feeling numb and everything was spinning. All of a sudden my blood pressure dropped and they were really nervous and kept turning me. I kept asking where my legs were and if I was going to die. I was so scared, I've never felt close to dying but I really got nervous when I couldn't breathe and my head felt so weird. Soon they started to have me push and I had no clue what I was doing. If I moved my head I thought I was going to pass out. On the third set of pushes little Jackson was born and wasn't breathing right. In the last few minutes of my labor the placenta detached and I started bleeding really bad and Jackson inhaled blood so they rushed him to the NICU to be put on a breathing machine and put a tube down his throat. I was so scared and didn't really get to see him. My doctor Jeff Thorpe did an amazing job and I was so greatful I got to have him deliver Jackson. He worked quick and stayed calm which kept us from freaking out. He is an amazing Doctor! I was still having blood pressure problems and was really nauseous so they were trying to get me stable enough to go meet my baby. After about an hour they wheeled me in a big bed through the hospital to see Jackson, it broke my heart to see him all hooked up to machines and so helpless. I touched his foot and cried until they took me to my room. I waited there for him until 8:30, 4 hours after he was born, and finally got to hold him. He was so sweet and tiny and we were so greatful he was going to be okay. The epidural didn't wear off until almost 10 pm I was so relieved to be able to feel my body again, I thought for sure I was going to be paralized. The rest of the hospital stay was uneventful. Jorge had to work and my parents came and brought the boys once a day, but it got pretty lonely and I couldn't wait to go home. My cute sister in law Jess spent most of Friday with me which meant a lot, I hate being alone! On Saturday afternoon my mom came and picked us up and it was so nice to go home.
Me and my big boys getting to the hospital to have baby Jackson.
Jackson right after he was born.
Finally getting to meet our little guy!
Kaden and Nicolas wore matching Big Brothers Rock shirts to meet baby Jackson.
Kaden was so excited to meet the baby and hold him, he's a great big brother!
Jackson meeting his 2 month old cousin Cory for the first time. My sis in law Jess said it made her feel like she had a man child seeing him next to a new baby. He weighs about 12 1/2 pounds now.

All ready and excited to bust out of the hospital. He looked so tiny in that big carseat! So that is our story of Jackson being born, it was scary and I can't imagine doing it again but wer'e so happy everyone is doing good now!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Introducing Baby Jackson Samuel Garcia
Saturday, August 8, 2009
We have a baby!
Baby Jackson decided to surprise us and came 2 weeks early. The hospital said that with the full moon and storm coming in they were full of surprises. He was born on Thursday August 6th at 4:22 p.m. he weighed 6lbs 9oz and was 18 1/2 in. long. We both had some scary complications but we are doing good now. He is covered head to toe in black hair and has been really sweet and sleepy so far. We just got home a few hours and we're enjoying not being locked up in the hospital anymore. More info and pictures to come later, I've got a hungry baby!
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