Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Gingerbread House Casualty
Monday, December 22, 2008
Bye bye baby!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our Little Joseph
Our ward Christmas party was a lot of fun. The kids got to do a Nativity for everyone. Kaden got to be Joseph and he did a great job. He had a few speaking parts that he memorized, he didn't even seem nervous. After the Nativity we had some yummy desserts and hot chocolate and the kids got to have a visit with Santa.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Family pictures
Since its been two and a half years since we've had a family picture taken we decided it was time. While we were in Utah for Thanksgiving my cousin Jaime took these pictures for us. She did an amazing job, we love how they turned out. My family hasn't had a big family picture done for almost 11 years so we also had that done. My plan this year is to send out Christmas cards for the first time! There are so many great pictures but these are some of my favorites.
Nicolas was really tired so we couldn't get many smiles, but I think he's still pretty cute!
All of my handsome boys!
A silly picture trying to get Nicolas to smile
The whole Bird family 11 years later!
Me and my brothers and sister
Grandma and Papa and the silly kids (you should of seen the lengths we took to get these kids all laughing, thanks Jess!)
Who could forget the baby of the family, even little Sadie Chihuahua had her own photo session!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
9 years
Fun times!
We made it back to California Sunday night. It was hard leaving knowing we wouldn't be back for Christmas. We had such a great time with my family and visiting some friends. Its so hard being away from everybody we miss them so much!
I got to celebrate my birthday with my family this year, they all made sure I had the best birthday ever! Jorge and I got to enjoy going on a date without paying a babysitter, my little brother Kelly got me these pretty flowers, and I got my whole family to go see Twilight with me!

Kaden and his cousin Katie had a great time together, he sure does miss his cousins!
All of the kids waiting to be served their Thanksgiving feast!
Poor little Sadie was so tired from all the action of the day.
We did a Thanksgiving pinata, this is all of the kids with their loot
Thanksgiving night we got bored and headed to Walmart, I couldn't find Jorge and this is what I found in the parking lot!
We went bowling for the first time with Nicolas and had a great time
Nicolas loved riding Trax to go to Temple Square, he thought he was on a choo choo Train!
Our last night in Utah we went to Temple Square with my parents and sister to see all of the pretty lights. It is something we do every year.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Our trip to Utah so far
We have been in Utah for just over a week and we are enjoying it so much! The weather has been beautiful for November. I went out and bought coats before we left expecting it to be snowy and freezing, but they are still sitting in our suitcases. I drove out here by myself with the boys and Jorge just flew in late last night. Kaden and Nicolas missed their daddy so much and have had fun spending time with him today. On our way here we stopped in Elko and spent the night. It was my first time driving more than 2 hours alone and the first time I've stayed at a hotel with just the kids. We had a lot of fun at the hotel and the drive couldn't have gone better, well it could of if the dvd player hadn't died 20 min. into our 10 hour drive. I was really nervous about how we would all do but I think I would do it again, especially with how low gas prices are! Since we've been here both boys have gotten sick so we haven't been able to visit many friends and family. Its been kind of nice to not be on the go all the time and just enjoy being here. My parents worked hard to get their basement finished for us to have a nice place to stay. Here are some pictures of what we've been up too.
We had fun swimming in the pool at the hotel. My friend Camie recommended the Comfort Inn, it was really nice and clean. As we were going in Kaden said it was the nicest hotel he had ever been in. We obviously don't get out much!

I know this picture is inappropriate but it was just hilarious seeing him walk around like that. He's going to love this one when he's older. We got to the hotel late and couldn't find his swimming suit so he swam in his onesie.
My cute boys all ready for bed.
My niece Kristine had a tea party for her 5th birthday. Nicolas and Kaden got to join in on the fun. The picture above is Nicolas and Jacob having their own little tea party. Kaden got into the dress ups and played party games with the 12 little girls that came.

We went and visited out friends the Arnesens in Lehi a couple of times. The boys had a lot of fun running around and playing. Abby liked to play with Nicolas. We sure miss them, they are good friends!

Nicolas took a bath with my moms dog Sadie, neither of them enjoyed it very much. Who would want to take a bath with a dog!
My brothers friend got married, this is my cute sister in law Jessica, my mom, and me at their open house.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Break a Board Party
On Friday Kaden got to break a board for the first time since he started karate. They had a fun party and he got to invite his friend Brandon to come with him.
Getting ready for his first attempt. They accidentally used the wrong board and he didn't break it. He was very disappointed.
On his second attempt he snapped it right in half and was very proud of himself.
They got to get their boards signed by the black belts and then got to take them home.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two's Tag
My friend Stephanie tagged me a few days ago and since I've never done a tag before I thought I would do this one since its and easy one.
Two names you go by:
1. Mommy
2. Mama
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Jeans
2. sweater
Two things you want right now:
1. For Jorge to be with us in Utah right now
2. To go for a long run
Two things you did last night:
1. Went shopping with my mom
2. Relaxed and talked to my family
Two things you ate today:
1. Pumpkin bread
2. I took the boys to have school lunch with Grandma and Grandpa
Two favorite drinks:
1. Ice water
2. An occasional Diet Pepsi
Now I tag Erica, Tiffany, Erin, and Abish
Friday, November 14, 2008
Soccer Party
After Saturday's game Kaden's soccer season will officially be over. The other night we had an end of season party at Round Table. The coach said really nice things about each player and presented each of them with a trophy and a cute scrapbook his wife made for each of the kids. She did such an amazing job, thanks Raimi! Kaden had a lot of fun playing soccer and was on a really good team. He was a bit more timid than the other players but did a great job playing defender. His team tied one game and won the other games. He really liked his coach this year. The coach made sure all of the kids had equal playing time and got rotated through all of the positions. He was very positive with the kids and they all had a lot of fun. Kaden hopes he can be on the same team next year. Thanks Coach John, you do a wonderful job!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bishop's Farm
A few weeks ago we went to a fun pumpkin farm called Bishop's Farm. Jorge had the day off and it was alot of fun to spend a whole day together. Right when we got there Nicolas wanted to go on a pony ride. He jumped right on "Max" and had a great time. Kaden got to dig for treasures, which were really marbles. We watched pig races, went on a train ride, and fed animals. They also had the yummiest apples pie and caramel apples I've ever had! It was a really fun place to go and the weather was beautiful.
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Trick or Treating
I know its a little late to be posting Halloween pictures but better late than never! We had a great Halloween despite the rain than started about an hour into our night. Every year since we moved here we have gone trick or treating with our friends the Heaps'. Some people in our ward made an amazing haunted house in their garage and thats where we started our night. Then we went trick or treating for a while til the rain really started coming down. The kids had a great time and got a ton of candy (which I really need to stop eating)!
My three Rock Stars!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
We Voted!
Today after our workout at the gym Nicolas and I headed to the polls to vote. As we were leaving the gym Nicolas was telling everyone he was going to vote! It was pretty funny. I am ashamed to admit this was the first time I have ever voted. I don't know why I've never voted, but with the hot issue of Proposition 8 I new I needed to support traditional marriage and vote. I also want to show my kids how important it is to support our country and exercise our right to vote. We have done our best to support Prop 8 by donating our time and money and putting a sign up in our yard, I am just praying that it passes, I can't imagine what will happen if it doesn't. I can't believe that signs were stolen from peoples yards and two people in our stake were deliberately ran over as they were waving Yes on 8 signs. Its so sad to see that people can have such hatred in their hearts! Last night for FHE we decided to explain to Kaden the importance of passing Prop 8. We discussed how God created the earth and man, and that he created a woman for Adam. We then explained what people are trying to do to marriage and how we feel about it. We didn't really want to teach our 7 year old about homosexuality but decided with all that's on TV and with everyone talking about it that it was important that we taught him what we believe and what we feel is right.
Kaden came home with a sticker that said "I voted". I guess they voted in class today, Jorge and I thought that was pretty interesting. He was excited that McCain won, which is who he voted for. He said he wished they could of voted for Prop 8 because he thinks it is really important that it passes.
Nicolas was so excited to "vote", he even got his "I voted" sticker and was proud to wear it.
Nicolas and I showing off our "I voted" stickers.(Excuse the lovely post gym look!)
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